UPDATED 2016-06: See our latest extensions and USB HID related fixes for Windows 10 . Did you design a custom USB HID device and wonder why you cannot test its application protocol with the same ease as serial COM (RS232, ..) or network TCP connections? Well we did, too, along with quite a few of our users. So it was high time to get this feature off the wishlist and into the software. See the Docklight FAQ - USB HID , or download the new software directly from here: https://docklight.de/download/Docklight_Scripting.zip While we are still on our way to a concise and fully documented implementation, we found the current V2.0.200 version already very useful for our own projects with fullmo.de - a Microchip PIC based communication gateway running a custom ASCII protocol via USB HID. How to use Docklight Scripting V2.0.200 can connect to your custom HID device via the VID (vendor ID) and PID (product ID) code, if you use the following commun...
News about Docklight - A testing, analysis and simulation tool for serial communication protocols (RS232, RS485/422, Bluetooth Serial Port, TCP/UDP and others).